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 Students receive individualized support at the Omak Campus.

You can help students receive individualized support with appropriate technical supplies at the Omak Campus.



Become a donor and make an impact in the lives of students. Your generous donations cover: 

  • Program starter kits for first-year nursing students
  • State testing costs for the graduating nurses
  • Scholarships in a variety of disciplines
  • Educational equipment upgrades
  • Student resources including emergency funds
  • Land acquisition for the expansion of the WVC at Omak
  • Classrooms and more!


Online giving options will be added to this page soon. In the meantime, for more information, to donate or become a member, please contact the foundation president via the foundation's staff liaison at (509) 422-7835, or send mail to 25 N. Ash Street, P.O. box 1374, Omak, WA 98841.