Developmental Math FAQs
Why are there now four developmental math courses instead of three?
WVC is joining the national effort to improve success in developmental math courses. Many colleges across the state (and the nation) that offer four similar classes have found that students develop a stronger foundation in the basics, have increased confidence in their mathematical ability, and are more likely to pass with this model.
I passed MATH 090 with a "C" or better; which class should I take next?
You should take MATH 093 next. (If you took MATH 090 in the spring or summer of 2012, you can continue to MATH 096, but MATH 096 will only be available until the winter of 2013.)
What if I started my developmental math sequence in the 2011-2012 school year?
You need to finish with the old math sequence as soon as possible. Limited sections of MATH 096 will be offered in the summer and fall of 2012. Limited sections of MATH 097 will be offered summer of 2012, fall of 2012 and winter of 2013 ONLY. You will finish your courses as planned, taking MATH 090, 096 and 097 as needed for your degree or program.
I haven't taken any math yet, but I placed into either MATH 090, 096, 096B or 097. What should I take?
If you've placed into one of these classes, but haven't taken any of them yet, you should start with the new sequence. Check with the testing center to see where your placement score will place you in the new sequence. Click here for math placement recommendations.
I’m in a program that lists MATH 096 as a required math class. What should I do?
You can use either MATH 096 or MATH 098 to satisfy most requirements until the end of the 2012-13 school year. Check with your program adviser for more details.
I’m in a program that lists MATH 097 as a required math class. What should I do?
You can use either MATH 097 or MATH 099 to satisfy this requirement until the end of the 2012-13 school year. Check with your program adviser for more details.
I need to take a class that requires MATH 097 as a prerequisite. What should I do?
Passing either MATH 097 or the new MATH 099 with a "C" or better will satisfy the requirement.
Which class should I take if I’m preparing for MATH 100A or MATH 100T?
Passing MATH 096 or MATH 098 with a "C" or better will satisfy the prerequisite for MATH 100A. For MATH 100T, the prerequisite is MATH 096 or the new MATH 093 with a "C" or better.