Jammin' Against Hunger

Media Contact:
Livia Millard, Omak campus multicultural affairs coordinator, 509.422.7814
Libby Siebens, community relations executive director, 509.682.6436 (Mon. – Thurs.)

November 1, 2016

The Wenatchee Valley College at Omak student government is sponsoring the 11th annual community benefit, Jammin’ Against Hunger 2016, on Saturday, Nov. 12, from 7 to 11 p.m. The event will be at the Omak Elks Lodge, 110 S. Ash, Omak.

Admission is five cans of non-perishable unexpired food items per person. Food banks are requesting donations of canned fruits and proteins such as peanut butter and meat.  

The event will honor military veterans. Student government will display a poster for attendees to sign, and serve coffee and cake to the veterans. Evening entertainment will include DJ Kevin Anderson. A limited number of Jammin’ Against Hunger t-shirts will also be given away.

Jammin’ Against Hunger 2015 raised almost 1,500 pounds of food to donate to local food banks.

This is a drug and alcohol free event. For more information, call Livia Millard at (509) 422-7814 or Sandra Warriors-Pistol Bullet at (509) 422-7890.
