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WVC World Wide Web


Wenatchee Valley College (WVC) recognizes the World Wide Web as a primary medium for disseminating information about the college; as a critical platform for conducting business; and as an essential tool for higher education. Employees and authorized student organizations may post materials to the World Wide Web that carry out official college business in support of the college's mission.

Any electronically published content provided by WVC employees or representatives in the course of carrying out their responsibilities is subject to review and must meet applicable standards and regulations. These include, but are not limited to:

  1. Use of copyrighted or licensed material, including WVC policy 700.500.
  2. Standards of employee conduct, including WVC policies 500.100 and 710.200 and RCW 42.52, the Ethics in Public Service Act.
  3. Confidentiality of student records, including WVC policy 400.300 and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
  4. College publication standards, including securing documented permission for the use of photos and testimonials (WVC policy 200.127).

Content on WVC-owned servers that does not meet these standards is subject to removal.

Supersedes: 2.P.100
Moved from old manual; approved by the board of trustees: 10/10/01
Revised and approved by the president’s cabinet 4/5/11
Adopted by the board of trustees: 5/18/11
Last reviewed: __/__/__
Policy contact: Technology

Related policies and procedures
None identified at this time